The Four Dichotomie

Carl Jung Personality Types

Jung proposed a framework that delved deep into the intricacies of human nature, revealing four distinct personality types: the introverted observant type, the introverted intuiting type, the extroverted observant type, and the extroverted intuitive type.

Introvert Observant

BlueOne - IO

They are the people who are primarily interested in their thoughts and feelings. They don’t like to work in groups. Also, they feel tired after being in a crowd. They feel more comfortable living alone most of the time.

They are very creative people but only exert their creativity when alone.

Introvert Intuitive

AngleMoth - II

Introverted Intuition focuses on the internal world of thoughts, ideas, and concepts. These types of people are more focused on their unconscious mind rather than their daily life. They do not enjoy their routine.

Generally, they make a dream life in their mind and always think about that life and enjoy it. They do not focus on the reality.  They focus on the internal world of the unconscious mind.

Extrovert Observant

Dandelion - EO

These are a person who is generally very strict in their life. They follow all the rules and regulations very strictly. They are very punctual which means they are always on time.

Mainly, they work on every task for their own objective. They always think first for themselves and afterward for others. At last, we can say that they are like foolish people.

Extrovert Intuitive

MoonFire - EI

Extroverted intuition is the perceiving (gathering information) function. Their minds are very creative. They always try to find new things for experiments. Also, they gather lots of information about anything they absorb in their life.

They are very motivated persons in nature. They stay always motivated in any situation and also motivate other persons.